Hugo Roundhouse

Year Listed: 2002
County: Lincoln County
Construction Date: 1909
Threat When Listed: Demolition by Neglect – Vacant
Status: SAVE

Listed on the State Register of Historic Properties, the Union Pacific Railroad roundhouse was constructed in 1909 to service engines on the Kansas-Pacific Railroad.  It is one of only four historic roundhouses in Colorado, and is the only brick-constructed roundhouse in the Union Pacific inventory.

Roundhouse Preservation, Inc., the nonprofit formed by concerned local citizens to develop and implement a preservation plan for the Roundhouse has produced a great deal of progress and success in recent years.  Even after strong winds toppled nearly the entire north wall, insurance funds were fortunately available to complete a high quality masonry reconstruction.  Due to an ongoing cooperation between Roundhouse Preservation, Inc. and the Colorado Department of Transportation, the Roundhouse was selected to receive $555,000 in federal stimulus funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 for the rehabilitation of the entire roof structure.  Restoration of the windows and doors started in 2016 with funding from the State Historical Fund, the Gates Family Foundation and CDOT.  Future plans focus on reusing the Roundhouse as a museum and community meeting space.

For their continued dedication and efforts, Roundhouse Preservation, Inc. was awarded the Endangered Places Progress award at CPI’s 2016 Dana Crawford and State Honor Awards Celebration. New windows have been installed and they continue to acquire items for the new museum tied to its railroad heritage. The exterior restoration has largely been completed. A second grant has been obtained from CDOT for additional restoration work including front doors and clerestory windows, which is now underway in 2020.

Additional Links:

Hugo Union Pacific Roundhouse Preservation 

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Preservation for a Changing Colorado

Historic preservation has a direct economic benefit to communities and Colorado! Take a look at the 2017 study, which considered the ways adaption of historic places has a direct financial effect on the state.

This updated, most resent study, was the result of a partnership between Colorado Preservation, Inc and History Colorado, funded by a grant from History Colorado's State Historical Fund. Prepared by Clarion Associates, the new report document the economic benefits of rehabilitation projects, analyzes property values and neighborhood stability in local historic districts, and summarizes the increasing impact of heritage tourism, private preservation development and the success of Colorado’s Main Street program.

In a key finding, researchers determined that for every $1 million spent on historic preservation in Colorado it produced $1.03 million in additional spending, 14 new jobs, and $636,700 in increased household incomes across the state!

The 2017 report also considers the important role preservation plays in helping Coloradans provide new spaces for creative communities and co-working, create and sustain meaningful places, responds to the state’s changing demographics, and addresses climate concerns.

Click Here to see download and read the full report, "Preservation for a Changing Colorado".