Year Listed: 1998
County: Gilpin County
Construction Date: 1850s
Threat When Listed: Development
Status: ALERT
One of three of the most historic mining towns in Colorado and the nation, Black Hawk is a National Historic Landmark District and Black Hawk was placed on the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s 11 Most Endangered Places in America list in 1998. Shortly after listing on Colorado Preservation, Inc’s Most Endangered Places, Colorado Senate Local Government Committee passed Senate Bill 98-069 to define size and style of casinos and to clarify vague language in the original constitutional amendment authorizing gaming. While this bill did not pass, it created new opportunities. The moving of historic structures for casino development, as well as facilitating homeowner information sessions, are both issues CPI wishes to address.
Large scale casino development continues, and the City of Black Hawk is no longer a Platinum Level CPI Conference sponsor. CPI will continue to monitor legislation passed that gives communities a greater role in the gaming industry. There is debate over whether the site should be considered a loss. Establishing a new site contact would help facilitate new assessment of historical properties and arrangement of a homeowner information session in the future.