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Endangered Places

Satank Bridge

One of Colorado's oldest bridges and the longest span timber truss in the state.

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Santa Fe Trail & SE Heritage Region

The Santa Fe Trail served as the region's first commercial highway fueling trade and military activity during the Mexican-American War. The area is particularly right in paleontological, prehistoric, and historic resources including longest dinosaur track way in North...

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San Rafael Church

This church represents the clash and subsequent merger between Protestant Anglo and Hispanic Catholic missionaries.

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Salida Opera House

One of few remaining historic Opera Houses in existence in Colorado. The building speaks to the development of Salida and is significant to the community is strong in the areas of entertainmnet, recreation, performing arts, commerce and social history.

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Rock Creek Stage Stop

This building served as halfway station on the first Wells Fargo mail route into Yampa Valley. It was a Service Center for settlers until the railroad line took over in 1887.

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Riverside Cemetery

Riverside Cemetery is the oldest operating cemetery in the state and is the nation's largest collection of zinc monuments.

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Rialto Theatre

This building was the social center of the San Luis Valley. It was constructed by the American Legion as a lodge but also served as a venue for music, plays, movies, and Vaudeville.

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Reiling Gold Dredge

This Gold Dredge is considered to be one of the most intact dredge sites in the United States. The dredge was one of nine gold dredge boats that worked the Breckenridge area in the early 20th century.

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