Endangered Places Program (EPP)

Since 1998, Colorado Preservation, Inc. has been working with communities throughout the state to save endangered historic buildings, landscapes, and archaeological sites through its Endangered Places Program.

This program provides advocacy, awareness, and technical assistance to significant historic resources throughout Colorado that are in danger of being lost.  Colorado Preservation, Inc. devotes staff time and resources to rally concerned citizens and build local capacity so that listed as well as un-listed locations can be saved.  In 27 years, Colorado’s Most Endangered Places program has highlighted 140 historic resources throughout the state. Fifty-seven resources have been SAVED, and only nine have been lost. The program has a significant reach, with sites located in every region of the state in 49 of the 64 counties.

This project is paid for in part by a History Colorado State Historical Fund grant.

2024 Most Endangered Places

Each year, CPI highlights nominated resources and structures facing various threats, from neglect to demolition. Each landmark tells a compelling story of resilience and community. Through vibrant images and engaging narratives, the brochure aims to raise awareness and inspire action. Join us as we explore the heart of Colorado's past, present, and future, celebrating the places that make our state unique.

Past Issues

2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013

Learn More About Nomination

Do you know of a historic building or resource in Colorado that is threatened and in need of assistance? Nominate the resource to be one of Colorado’s Most Endangered Places! Learn More >>

Saved, In Progress, Alert, and Lost

The meaning behind the categories

The categories used to describe the status of Colorado’s Endangered Places can vary depending on the resource. Generally, a “Save” status means the resource is no longer in danger. Saves can be achieved through rehabilitation, restoration, preservation, conservation, documentation, stabilization, or interpretation. When a resource is marked as “In Progress,” the work towards the aforementioned goals is ongoing but not yet complete. “Alert” indicates that the listed resources are still in the planning process to become saved, while “Lost” means that the resource has been demolished.

The Endangered Places Program was established in 1997, and since then, Colorado Preservation, Inc. has only lost nine resources. Although that’s a good record, we have learned some essential lessons from these losses. One of our most significant lessons is that community support is crucial. The involvement and dedication of the community in protecting a listed resource determine how it progresses from “Alert” to “Save.” In recent years, the loss of the Railroad Depot in Craig and the Given Institute in Aspen have taught us that it’s best to advocate for and promote the benefits of preservation and historic resources. We have also recognized the importance of involving, educating, and empowering communities regarding the outcome of a particular listed endangered resource and preventing future threats.

Explore CPI’s Projects & Endangered Places

Delve into the stories and significance of the most cherished historic resources across Colorado. Join us on a journey through time and place as we work together to preserve these invaluable landmarks for future generations.

Colorado’s Most Endangered Places are located throughout the state. The general public is invited to visit, learn and be inspired!  Experience Colorado’s history firsthand by clicking on a region and taking a self-guided road trip.

How You Can Help

At the heart of historic preservation are the dedicated efforts of individuals. Successful preservation requires the collaborative efforts of many and Colorado Preservation, Inc. needs your help.

1. Nominate a threatened historic resource to the Most Endangered Places List

For many resources in Colorado, the first step in moving towards a save is raising awareness that a particular place is important and in danger. The Endangered Places Program can provide the necessary outreach and technical assistance to communities throughout the state. Access the nomination form here.

2. Volunteer your time to a local preservation organization or Colorado Preservation, Inc

Many of our Endangered Places resources hold community workdays to clean up and/or restore the building.  Signup to receive the Colorado Preservation, Inc. newsletter to keep up-to-date on the latest calls for volunteers.  If you are interested in learning more about how to save a particular Endangered Place, contact Colorado Preservation, Inc. or visit the individual Endangered Place page to learn more.

3. Join Colorado Preservation, Inc.

Your membership to Colorado Preservation, Inc. helps us build a future with historic places in Colorado.  Membership allows us to provide technical assistance to communities, nonprofit organizations, and individuals for grant preservation project management, interpretation, and advocacy.  Become a member today!

4. Donate to a particular Endangered Place or the Endangered Places Program

Many of our resources have associated nonprofit groups who hold fundraisers or would appreciate donations, which go towards stabilization and restoration.  View the Endangered Places Database to learn more

5. Share the information about the Most Endangered Places Program with friends, local preservation groups, or local officials.

Engage with friends, local preservation groups, or community officials by discussing the significance of these threatened resources and the urgent need for collective action. Engage with friends, local preservation groups, or community officials by discussing the significance of these threatened resources and the urgent need for collective action. Consider writing a letter to your local official, expressing your concerns and advocating for the protection of these vital landmarks.

In The Media

Most Endangered Places Archive

Access the complete list from 1998-2023 >>

2023 List – Colorado’s Most Endangered Places

Boulder (February 9, 2023)—Colorado’s Most Endangered Places, a signature program of Colorado Preservation, Inc., which works with communities across the state to save threatened or endangered historic buildings and sites, announced five new sites to its Most...

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2021: Colorado’s Most Endangered Places

Colorado’s Most Endangered Places List was announced today by CBS4 Meteorologist Dave Aguilera at Colorado Preservation, Inc.’s Saving Places 2021 virtual Preservation in Action conference.  Three new sites were added to the list.

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