Filter Endangered Places

Project Name Status County Project type Primary Threat
Central Platoon School Progress Morgan Colorado's Most Endangered Demolition by Neglect
Centre Avenue Progress Weld Colorado's Most Endangered Demolition by Neglect
Cherry Creek Arch Progress Douglas
Chimney Rock National Monument Saved Archuleta Colorado's Most Endangered Natural Elements
Christian Science Church Lost Teller Colorado's Most Endangered Demolition by Neglect
Church of the Most Precious Blood Alert Costilla Demolition by Neglect
City Ditch Saved Arapahoe, Denver, Douglas Colorado's Most Endangered Road Expansion
Civic Center Park Saved Denver Colorado's Most Endangered Demolition by Neglect
Colona School & Grange Saved Ouray Colorado's Most Endangered Demolition by Neglect
Colorado Building Active
Colorado Capitol Dome Saved Denver Colorado's Most Endangered Natural Elements
Colorado Fuel & Iron Museum Progress Pueblo Colorado's Most Endangered Road Expansion
Colorado Fuel & Iron Plant Alert Pueblo Colorado's Most Endangered Road Expansion
Colorado River Bridge Progress Mesa
Colorado River Bridge (G-04-A) Progress Mesa
Columbian Elementary School Lost Bent Colorado's Most Endangered Demolition
Commodore Mining District Progress Mineral Colorado's Most Endangered Natural Elements
image of Como Depot Como Depot Saved Park Colorado's Most Endangered Demolition by Neglect
Como Depot Complete Park Exterior Restoration, Interior Restroration
Costilla County Mission Churches Alert Costilla Colorado's Most Endangered Demolition by Neglect