Filter Endangered Places

Project Name Status County Project type Primary Threat
Emma Store Saved Pitkin Colorado's Most Endangered Demolition by Neglect
Evans School Saved Denver Colorado's Most Endangered Development
F-10-AA Progress Eagle
F-10-AB Progress Eagle
image of Falconwood Lodge Falconwood Lodge Complete
Far View Center Progress Montezuma Colorado's Most Endangered Vacancy
Feminilas Building Progress Costilla Colorado's Most Endangered Demolition by Neglect
First National Bank-Whitelaw & Company-Schoggen Dry Goods & Grocery-Murdock Building Complete Kiowa Construction Documents, Historic Structure Assessment
First San Luis Valley State Bank/Malouf Department Store Active Costilla Stabilization
image of Fort Lyon Fort Lyon Progress Bent Colorado's Most Endangered Vacancy
Fountain Creek Bridge Progress El Paso
Fourth Street Commercial District Progress Saguache Colorado's Most Endangered Demolition by Neglect
Fox Theatre Active Rehabilitation
Foxton Post Office Progress Jefferson Colorado's Most Endangered Demolition by Neglect
Fruita Bridge Progress Mesa Colorado's Most Endangered Natural Elements
Garcia Ranch (Potato Barn) Active Conejos Construction Documents, Structural Stabilization
Garcia School Progress Costilla Colorado's Most Endangered Demolition by Neglect
Genesee Park Interchange Progress Jefferson
Georgetown School Saved Clear Creek Colorado's Most Endangered Demolition by Neglect
Gianella Building Progress Las Animas Colorado's Most Endangered Demolition by Neglect