August 2, 2012
Redstone Castle
58 Redstone Blvd.
Carbondale, CO 81623
About the Redstone Castle
The 1902 castle and estate, also called Cleveholm Manor, represents a time in American history when empires were built during a nationwide drive toward industrialization. The father of Redstone, John C. Osgood was recognized during his day as one of the six most prominent captains of industry in the US. He formed the Colorado Fuel Company, becoming the sole coal supplier to some regional railroads and furnishing high quality coking coal to precious metal smelters across the Rockies. The castle is of unique significance in Colorado, due to its style and scale. The interior and its furnishings, 75% of which are original, were crafted exclusively for Mr. Osgood.
The Redstone Castle was listed to the Endangered Places List in 2004, due to the fact that the castle was seized by the IRS to recover a $6M debt. The IRS had no way to guarantee that the estate would be sold to a sympathetic buyer, and even stated that they may have had no choice but to sell the manor piece-by-piece.
Since its listing Colorado Preservation, Inc., the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the Redstone Historical Society and other consulting parties worked with the IRS to develop an acquisition agreement that would protect the castle from demolition and prevent the removal or change of its fixed interior contents. When the IRS auctioned the castle in the spring of 2005, a preservation easement protected the exterior of the main buildings, the interior of the major rooms, and twenty-two acres surrounding the Redstone Castle. In addition, the 138 acres adjoining the Redstone Castle was designated a Historic District by the county and is subject to review by the Redstone Historic Preservation Commission.
The Redstone Castle was moved into the SAVED! category in 2006, and is now a luxury resort. Visit their website to learn more!