Wednesday | Feb. 10–
Friday | Feb. 12 | 2021
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Saving Places® 2021 Virtual Conference:
Preservation in Action
Saving Places® went virtual for 2021! The conference’s theme of Preservation in Action speaks to what many of us experienced in the wave of 2020 and its ripple effects. The world changed, and the preservation community adapted. The threats and challenges addressing preservation and its related fields are real – and so are the success stories and positive moves forward.
Saving Places® 2021 Virtual Conference provided relevant content tied to the climate of our communities during this past year, with panels addressing issues of economic development, COVID-specific challenges, and questions of relevance and inclusion. Saving places® continues. Our Saving Places® Conference allows us to tell these stories and share this crucial information with communities nationwide.
Inside Look
Our goal in presenting a virtual Saving Places® centered on creating an accessible conference, while continuing the event’s legacy as the historic preservation conference in the region. We worked to create an exciting line-up of sessions and activities crossing the virtual divide, engaging preservationists of all backgrounds around the country.
Over the course of three days, more than 650 individuals participated in 41 educational sessions with 118 speakers. Attendees represented 83 percent of Colorado’s counties (plus 22 states and an international reach with attendees joining from United Kingdom and Canada).
Joe Minicozzi of Urban3 kicked off three full days of learning with his Keynote, Dollars, and $ense of Development Patterns. Cassandra Atencio and Garrett Briggs, NAGPRA Coordinators with the Southern Ute Indian Tribe & Southern Ute Indian Tribe, shared updates and vision for upcoming projects. Lori Pace of Changes Paces International in Denver gave the Keynote Saving Faces in Places.
Attendees had the opportunity to enjoy some lighter fare, including a Preservation Happy Hour Trivia with Quiz Mistresses Extrodinarie Abigail Christman, Kathleen Corbett, and Traci Stoffel. CBS4 joined us for an incredible Endangered Places Program Announcement. We experienced the “in-person” networking and connection online in our Virtual Networking space throughout the event. Colorado Senate Majority Leader joined us from the Bread Bar in historic Silver Plume and musicians from the TANK Center for Sonic Arts joined us at the Preservation Marketplace. With the silent auction online this year, we were blown away by the community’s participation and meeting our fundraising goal for the Endangered Places Program.