New Deal in Eastern Colorado:
Multiple Property Documentation Form
A Multiple Property Documentation Form (MPDF) is a format for listing a group of related resources to the National Register of Historic Places. This MPDF is organized around the built resources that resulted from numerous federal New Deal programs in eastern Colorado. It provides a history of the New Deal in Colorado as well as an overview of the types and styles of projects built under the various New Deal programs (1933-1943).
Within the New Deal in Eastern Colorado MPDF you will find historical historical background on Eastern Colorado during the Great Depression, an overview of the work of the New Deal programs in Eastern Colorado, the types of projects completed in Eastern Colorado, how to determine if a New Deal Resource is eligible for listing in the National Register, and a list of New Deal reference sources.
Click here to view the New Deal in Eastern Colorado Multiple Property Documentation Form
National Register Nominations
Twenty sites from the New Deal Survey were listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Click the links below to learn more about each site.
- 7D School, Villegreen vicinity, Las Animas County
- Adobe Stables, Rocky Ford, Otero County
- Akron Gymnasium, Akron, Washington County
- American Legion Hall, Eads, Kiowa County
- Burlington Gymnasium, Burlington, Kit Carson County
- Holly Gymnasium, Holly, Prowers County
- Hugo Municipal Pool, Hugo, Lincoln County
- Kim Schools, Kim, Las Animas County
- Land Utilization Program (LUP) Headquarters, Briggsdale vicinity, Weld County
- Las Animas Post Office, Las Animas, Bent County
- La Junta City Park, La Junta, Otero County
- Phillips County Courthouse, Holyoke, Phillips County
- Pleasant Valley School, Branson vicinity, Las Animas County
- Prowers County Welfare Housing, Lamar, Prowers County
- Rocky Ford Post Office, Rocky Ford, Otero County
- Sedgwick County Courthouse, Julesburg, Sedgwick County
- Two Buttes Gymnasium, Julesburg, Sedgwick County
- University of Northern Colorado Clubhouse / Student Union, Greeley, Weld County
- White School and Barn, Kim, Las Animas County
- Willow Creek Park, Lamar, Prowers County